Ah! I skipped one! Where’s day two?
Well, don’t worry, you didn’t skip one. I just didn’t write
one. J
I figured you don’t need to know what I do every day. Changes should be spaced,
not a new one every day. Soon I will run out of things to talk about. Then
what? I will start to ramble on about nonsensical things like whether its human
nature for a guy not to throw his clothes on the floor when he is feet away
from the hamper or whether if I leave my hair frizzy as I go into town how many
horrified looks I will get. . . yeah. You see my point?
Anyway, day three!
Even though it’s an hour long it doesn’t feel like it. Time
doesn’t just fly by, it’s kind of irrelevant as you are focusing on your
breathing, while trying not to stare at the TV to figure out what you are
doing. Yeah, anyone who has done Yoga knows exactly what I mean. She had me
turn to face away and I was trying to look over my shoulder to figure out what
I was doing. . . . Maybe that is why I lose my balance a bit? But that’s
neither here nor there.
She helps you focus on your breathing and trying to relax. So
when you do this go into a quiet room and have some you time or bring a buddy.
I do this in my bedroom and lock the door so as to tell people. “YOU SHALL NOT
PASS!” I might actually make a sign to clue in my husband, but he is starting
to understand that nine is my time and my time alone. I know, it’s only been
three days. I still very happy with myself.
Continue following my posts to read up on the different poses
and the language behind Yoga. Find out what are my favorite and least favorite
-Brenda Franklin
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